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Allowance for Entrepreneurs Affected Sectors (TOGS)

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

Not only entrepreneurs in the catering or travel industry have been hit hard by the corona measures, but many entrepreneurs in the retail trade are also experiencing, although they may remain open, many loses turn over and for some to almost nil.

Various interest groups have therefore asked the government for support. Yesterday, the government announced that the list of companies that receive a subsidy of € 4000.00 will expand. Which companies can receive will be announced on Monday, 30th March. The application can be done at the website of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO). The application period is as from March 27 until and include June 26. So please there is no need to apply immediately, in order not to overwhelm the website of the RvO with applications.

The minister also indicated that if the type of company is not in the list, this does not mean that the TOGS cannot apply. It can be examined individually by application.

It is also important that your registration in the Chamber of Commerce must match your company. That is why your SBI code is important. Check this yourself so that you will not miss the allowance. If this is wrong, you CAN NOT adjust it yourself at the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce says on its website that the entrepreneur needs to handle this with the RvO. On its website the RvO has not mentioned this yet.

If you have any questions, please contact your A&T Partners contact person.

Update 30-03 at 13:00: The website of RvO hasn't revealed yet which retail companies are granted to apply.

04-04 Update: RvO has updated the list to indicate what type of business can apply for TOGS. Please be aware that if your type of business is not on the list, this does not mean that you cannot apply. Individual application is required.

08-04 update: The RvO has increased the businesses that can apply for TOGS. Please see:


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